Tuesday, July 8, 2008

World, here I come

Well I made it to 27. I have been so looking forward to this Birthday its crazy. Not only is 27 my favorite number but I also really need to put the last year behind me. I spent 27 with my family and friends. My Dad and I went to SF to visit my grandparents in my last ditch effort to save my relationship with them, somehow I think it failed. It makes me so sad that their is such a rift in the family. I hope one day I can marry a man with a normal disfunctional family. It pains me to see the way they speak to my father. My only comfort is knowing that my children will never have to go through that. My dad will be so amazingly close to my kids. I am so lucky to have a man like him as a father. Sometimes it brings me to tears just thinking of how much I love him. Aside from the grandparents we went to the city. Mary, my dad and my dear friends Angie and Adam. We went to a fab veggie restaurant and then watched the fireworks over the bay. It made me so happy to spend time with my family. Life is all about the people you share it with. I have also set some great goals for 27 (I am positive this is my magic year!) I am going to grow my business, I am going to travel to Buenos Aires, I am going to continue to try and be the best person I can be and most importantly I am going to develop my relationship with God and trust his plan for me. I am really excited about all of these goals and I cannot wait to see what they bring to my life.

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