Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just a small town girl...

Prague...Prague. Not a day goes by anymore without thoughts of this city. Mostly "what am I thinking moving to Prague to teach English?!?". I have no answer for myself. Why would I want to leave Bend? I am so blessed here. Let's go through the list...


* My Father: The most amazing human being hands down.
* Sisters/BFFs/roommates: I would not be the person I am today without their love and support. I thank God everday for them. Sometimes I don't think they know how much they mean to me. I would give anything for them. I am so blessed to know them, so blessed to have them in my life. They are the most unique and wonderful people I have ever met.
* Tyler: I may drive him crazy but he accepts that I am who I am...free spirit, driven and partially crazy! I cannot thank him enough for all he has done.
* Job: it kicks ass. ADMIS Broker. Awesome boss, great oppurtunity...
* Sidelines: great people, great boss, too much fun. A place I can always feel welcome. Home away from home.


* A feeling. A sense that this is something I have to do or I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Prague wins. But I am scared.

I have a friend that lives in the Czech Republic and is shockingly also from Bend. He writes this monthly email update and the last one came a few days ago. He had just returned from holidays in the US and made some comment about being happy to be home in Czech in his own bed. Well this comment floored me. Own bed. Will I one day feel so comfortable in Prague that it will feel like home? What a strange thought because I can't imagine any place other than Bend feeling like home.

Anyway these are the first rambelings of a small town girl trying to make a dream come true. None of this would be possible if it weren't for the immense support and love I receive from friends and family on a daily basis. I am scared to see how I will survive without it once in Prague.